It's A Heat Wave...

Okay readers, normally I can baffle this heat but I tell ya! Coming from Minnesota, I had to take on the brutal humidity and now, living in South Dakota I don't have that problem...BUT still its hot! I don't think Mother Nature should be allowed to reach 99 degrees!

Well, I'll get off my soapbox now and inform you that everything has been going well. Last next weekend, I got to experience the Haakon/Jackson County Fair. Sort of. It's nothing like the fairs back in Minnesota. There were probably a minimum of 3 head of cattle and a hand full of horses, if that. The fair only lasted for 2 days, where in MN they last for 4-5 days and they have a carnival! Out here, they have a bull riding event and a band!

I have wonderful news about the garden! We have picked and used some tomatoes already but soon I think I'm going to have tomatoes coming out of my ears. Also, those beans are tough buggers after getting hit with grasshoppers but I think they are making a come-back because they are starting to flower again. And, when I lost all hope on my cucumbers because they haven't produced anything yet, they are alive! After watering, I was searching around and there laid a little cuke! I'm pretty excited but one isn't going to be enough to make pickles like we hoped!

I know this is short but I just wanted to pop in and say hi! This weekend, I believe Dustin and I are going to head towards Rapid City as his family is in Sturgis for the weekend at the Sturgis Bike Rally. This would be my first but I only will be making a short appearance there. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope you stay somewhere cool, however they are forecasting cooler weather for next week! Thank goodness!

Have a splendid weekend and enjoy the last couple weeks of summer! Don't worry, I'll be back before then!


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