Jet's Favorites...

I can't believe that its almost been a month since I last posted. Time has sure gotten away from me once again! I have done a lot in the past couple weeks but it just doesn't seem like I have enough time to just sit down and let you know what's happening. I just need to start making time. It sounds so simple doesn't it! Since I'm just in a lull of what to write that I thought I would feature our adorable and loving yet trouble-making dog Jet!

This is a rug that laid in our bathroom. It was nice and cozy when we would step out of the bathtub. But several weeks ago, it got a new use!

It now belongs to Jet. And this is how the short story goes:
Dustin needed a haircut and I threw the rug out into the hall. Shortly into the hair job, he became Jet's property! The end!

He drags it around the house like it's a prize possession of his. He has shredded it and I'm still surprise that it has been intact for this long.

But don't let this innocent face fool you! This household items destruction spree has a long history. Two more items have taken a beating from the jaws of Jet-plastic bottles and working gloves.

So that's all I have now. I'll keep you updated with which household item falls next to Jet's mouth!


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