Apologies, Busy Time & Food...

Dear faithful blog readers,
I'm deeply sorry about my absence! I hope you will understand that I have been treading water to keep my head above the water since Jan. 11th (the last time I posted)! My life has been incredibly busy and I just don't know where the last two weeks went. Is it really Jan. 26th? I must be dreaming! Anyways, I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me and to continue reading my blog. I will vow not to be absent for this long every again! If I am, I will throw you a pizza party, well I'll send you cookies instead!

Sincerely yours,
Unfaithful blog writer, Sara

As I noted in my apology letter, I have been busy. Life has been busy in general! I have been so busy that I think Dustin even feels neglected...not good! :( Here is my run down of events:

Big sections = a lot of writing! We are getting ready for the many stock/farm shows that are going to be taking place in the next couple weeks. I will be attending the Black Hills Stock Show this weekend and the Watertown Farm Show the second week of February. Then its off the Nebraska where I will attend the Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic and attend my first Women in Ag conference. I can't wait to share some details from that when I get back. I'm very excited to be out on the road during this time of the year!

Thirty-One Gifts: I'm officially a consultant now and very excited to meet as many new ladies who loves purses and organizing, just like me! I'm holding my Open House in Philip tomorrow. I hope that some ladies will come out because I would like to meet more in the community. As Dustin puts it (in reference to the ladies who work at the hospital), "No one knows you!"

Baking/Cooking: On the slower side! Tonight I will be using my new mixer that I received for Christmas to whip up some cookies for the Open House. We have made our own pizza dough, which I have to add that was mighty delicious! But I would like to extend a thank you to who ever invented TV dinners. Thank you! Just kidding, I'm not making Dustin eat them. I have been able to cook some meals here and there.

I would like to share a recipe with you though. It's my Ma 2 (my future mother-in-law)'s homemade granola recipe! It's great to eat as a cereal or to just eat plain. Currently, I'm on my eighth little bag! (JK!)

Recipe: Ma 2's Granola
1 box Wheaties
10 cups of oatmeal
2 cups wheat germ
1/2 cup coconut (optional, we didn't use it!)
1 cup sesame seed
1 cup dry roasted nuts
1 cup sunflower seeds
2 cups Caraisins (optional, but we used them!)

1 1/2 cup honey
1 cup warm water
1 cup corn or peanut oil
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large roaster pan (I'm not kidding, its a large batch). Then pour the "sauce" over the dry ingredients and mix in so everything looks coated. Place on a larger baking sheet or split batch in half. Bake at 350ยบ at 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, stir and bake for another 10 minutes.

After it cools, store in container or ziploc bags. We put ours in the refrigerator. This recipe is so yummy and could possibly save you money on cereal.

Well, that's all the updating that I have for now. I will make sure that I will post after this weekend since there will be many happenings. I'm very excited to feel "at home" this weekend because I will be surrounded by cowboy boots and hats, and cattle!

Happy 1/11/11...

Hello everyone! I sure miss you! I know I have been a horrible friend and not keeping you posted on my happenings. Tonight I find myself relaxing after a busy weekend, watching the Tooth Fairy (which is so funny) and tested out a new recipe on this 1/11/11 (how ironic). The last time I posted I gave you an insight on my resolutions. Over the past 11 days, many things have happened.

We are still transition in our home. The hardest part about moving homes is packing and then finding a place for it. Plus, it doesn't help that we have accumulated a lot of stuff over time. Really, do you think I need to keep my stuff from freshman year of college? Honestly I don't remember that far back!

One thing I'm excited to mention is I participated in my first AgChat Twitter conversation last week. It was amazing to be connected through social media sharing ideas. There were people from from the south, east, west and north like into Canada. We discussed what 2011 looks like for agriculture. There were so many great questions and comments. For being a newbie, I was timid to be part of this wonderful thing; however, I was not nervous to share some of my suggestions. I missed tonight's topic due to my relaxation but hope to be back next week!

My other great news is I'm several days from starting a new journey. I will be signing up to be a Thirty-One Gifts consultant on Saturday. I'm looking forward to putting myself out there and meeting some wonderful women from the area. I have started a Facebook fan page-Thirty-One Gifts by Sara Thissen. Make sure you stop by frequently to see monthly specials, parties, and deals. There will be more once Saturday arrives. I thank you for all those that are supporting me in this new journey!

Well enough with my blabbing, I have a new recipe to share. It comes from our favorite magazine, The Food Network. Imagine that! My mom calls Dustin and I the Paula Deen & Alton Brown in our family. We love the magazine and shows. We try our best to replicate their recipes that they share. So here is our take on one!

Recipe: Sweet & Sour Pork
1 lb. pork tenderloin, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
2 1/2 Tbs balsamic vinegar
Kosher salt
2 tsp low-sodium soy sauce
1 Tbs cornstarch
3 Tbs ketchup
3 Tbs sugar plus a pinch
3 Tbs peanut or vegetable oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 carrots, thinly sliced
3 scallions, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
3 cups snow peas, cut into 1/2
1. Toss the pork with 1/2 tablespoon vinegar and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix the remaining 2 tablespoons vinegar, soy sauce, cornstarch, ketchup, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1/3 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon salt in another bowl.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons peanut oil in a large skillet or wok over high heat. Add the pork and slowly stir until it turns mostly opaque, about 2 minutes. Remove the pork with a slotted spoon and transfer to a plate. Discard the oil and wipe out the skillet.
3. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon peanut oil in the skillet, then stir-fry the garlic with a pinch each of salt and sugar, 15 seconds. Add the carrots and scallions and stir-fry until crisp-tender, 2 minutes. (Add a little water if the garlic starts to stick to the skillet.) Add the pork, snow peas and soy sauce mixture; stir until the pork is cooked through the sauce is thickened, about 3 minutes.
Our idea to complete this meal: rice!

AND Ta Da.....

Well that's all that I have for now! I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please let me know what you think of it after you try it out. But I better be on my way and think about doing something before I hit the hay! I will be back soon and try not leaving you hanging this long again!

Bye friends!

Happy New Year...

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you are enjoying the first day of the year. I am now after we were dampened with a gusty blizzard yesterday. So the sun is out today and my nice, kind neighbor from across the street blew our garage out that now, I'm spending my time by getting a start on my New Year's resolutions. I can check one off my list...giving my blog a new fresh look and a true meaning.

You notice that my blog title has changed but the meaning of my blogs are still the same. I have been blogging since April and the main purpose was to keep my family updated on my first garden. Well, we all know a garden usually grows in the summer into early fall months, so that left me with what am I going to blog about in the winter months.

Once Dustin and I got acquainted to living in western South Dakota and a new home, I spent majority of my time in the kitchen. I love the kitchen! If I'm not lounging on the couch, that's where you can find me. (I think I'm turning into my future mother-in-law-Love you Ma2!) I feel like I'm a Betty Crocker half the time in my life. Therefore, my first New Year's resolution is keep updating you with some new recipes we have tried but also channeling my agricultural roots. Dustin and I will continue to garden and hope to build a bigger and better garden this coming year to use in our cooking. Also, we have plans to sell some of our fresh produce and canned goods at our local farmers market.

This blog change isn't my only resolution. I have many! Here are a few:
1. Become more involved on AgChat through Twitter. I'm just going to come out and say it, "I'm a Social Media addict!" Okay, I feel better! I love Twitter and the people on there. So, I hope some things I learn through AgChat discussions I will be able to share with you through here.

2. Start eating healthy. Well, I already do but just fine tune somethings. After seeing my grandparents over Christmas, all I can say is "Impressive!" They count their calories and have loss a lot! (Keep up the good work!)

3. Start a new side business and be successful at it. I'm becoming a Thirty-One gifts consultant this month. I will be starting a Facebook page but I'll let you know more details as the time comes. I've very excited for this new opportunity, which will allow me to meet more people in this small town of 890!

4. Finally, I plan to enjoy my love life and life in general. I'm very excited to be tying the knot with my best friend on June 25. I can't believe we have been in engaged for year and a half already and now the big day is only 6 months away.

I hope you have your resolution(s) set! I want to wish you the best on succeeding them as well as a prosperous new year! I'm very excited for my new changes and hope you enjoy reading my blog more than you did before!